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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Applications of Evolutionary Computation : 19th European Conference, EvoApplications 2016, Porto, Portugal, March 30 -- April 1, 2016, Proceedings, Part I 9597 (2016, E-book) read ebook MOBI, DJV


Thetwo volumes LNCS 9597 and 9598 constitute the refereed conference proceedingsof the 19th European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation,EvoApplications 2016, held in Porto, Portugal, in March/April 2016, co-locatedwith the Evo* 2016 events EuroGP, EvoCOP, and EvoMUSART. The 57 revised full papers presented together with17 poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 115 submissions.EvoApplications 2016 consisted of the following 13 tracks: EvoBAFIN (naturalcomputing methods in business analytics and finance), EvoBIO (evolutionarycomputation, machine learning and data mining in computational biology), EvoCOMNET(nature-inspired techniques for telecommunication networks and other paralleland distributed systems), EvoCOMPLEX (evolutionary algorithms and complex systems),EvoENERGY (evolutionary computation in energy applications), EvoGAMES(bio-inspired algorithms in games), EvoIASP (evolutionary computation in imageanalysis, signal processing, and pattern recognition), EvoINDUSTRY(nature-inspired techniques in industrial settings), EvoNUM (bio-inspiredalgorithms for continuous parameter optimization), EvoPAR (parallelimplementation of evolutionary algorithms), EvoRISK (computational intelligencefor risk management, security and defence applications), EvoROBOT (evolutionaryrobotics), and EvoSTOC (evolutionary algorithms in stochastic and dynamicenvironments).

Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Applications of Evolutionary Computation : 19th European Conference, EvoApplications 2016, Porto, Portugal, March 30 -- April 1, 2016, Proceedings, Part I 9597 (2016, E-book) by book EPUB, PDF, DOC

It includes contributions from global experts in marine environmental science, marine policy, fisheries, public policy and administration, resource management, risk management, and information management.With author profiles ranging from highly specialized model builders to decision makers at chief executive level, this book should prove a useful resource to students and academics of actuarial science as well as practitioners."", Focussing on life insurance and pensions, this book addresses variousaspects of modelling in modern insurance: insurance liabilities;asset-liability management; securitization, hedging, and investment strategies.With contributions from internationally renowned academics in actuarialscience, finance, and management science and key people in major life insuranceand reinsurance companies, there is expert coverage of a wide range of topics,for example: models in life insurance and their roles in decision making; anaccount of the contemporary history of insurance and life insurancemathematics; choice, calibration, and evaluation of models; documentation andquality checks of data; new insurance regulations and accounting rules; cashflow projection models; economic scenario generators; model uncertainty andmodel risk; model-based decision making at line management level; models andbehaviour of stakeholders.This book will also teach you how to transform raw datasets into a usable form.Reveals emerging security risks of Big Data from the view of both IT and business management.You'll learn how to: Create sturdy connections that can withstand serious stress Re-create specialized LEGO pieces like casings and u-joints, and build solutions like Schmidt and Oldham couplings, when no standard piece will do Build custom differentials, suspensions, transmissions, and steering systems Pick the right motor for the job-and transform its properties to suit your needs Combine studfull and studless building styles for a stunning look Create remote-controlled vehicles, lighting systems, motorized compressors, and pneumatic engines This beautifully illustrated, full-color book will inspire you with ideas for building amazing machines like tanks with suspended treads, supercars, cranes, bulldozers, and much more.Omalu was new to America, chasing the dream, a deeply spiritual man escaping the wounds of civil war in Nigeria.